Best Outdoor Gear Gift Bundles for 2018
For this Christmas season, give your loved ones the gift of warmth. We’ve gone ahead and taken the hard part out of the shopping process and compiled a few bundles that make for great cold weather gifts. Whether you’re shopping for an adventure junkie or someone just looking to stay comfy on their morning commute, Heat Factory has the gear for them. Check out our best Christmas bundles below.
Bundle #1
For the lady friend in your life who knows that style shouldn’t be compromised by practicality, this is the bundle for her.
To keep her noggin warm and cozy this holiday season, our Heated Contour Beanie will fit snugly and provide long-lasting warmth when she needs it most. It packs down light, comes in different colors, and can be used for everything from running and camping to lounging by the fire. With slots for warmers over each ear, it’s a no-brainer for keeping the brain warm.

And lastly, cold feet make for unhappy campers, but our Heated Merino Wool Socks solve that problem. Giving the gift of warm feet is, as anyone with poor circulation will tell you, truly a gift from the heavens.
Bundle #2
For the guy that isn’t particularly a gear enthusiast but nonetheless likes to stay warm, here are some great ideas for a holiday bundle.
While the Men’s Heated Beanie doesn’t set the strongest fashion statement, it gets the job done. It’s made with ultra-soft fleece and has pockets for warmers over each ear. It’s a kind of one-size-fits-all-circumstances beanie, so he’ll be wearing it at home on the couch and the in the most extreme outdoor environments.
Equally as versatile are our Heated Pop-Top Mittens. Don’t let the “mittens” part scare away anyone who is partial to gloves. With one swift motion you will be able to change from a functional inner liner glove to a warm mitten for ultimate protection from the elements. Like all our gloves, they’re also designed to hold warmers.
Round out your bundle gift by topping it off with a pack of our Small Hand Warmers. With this he’ll be able to take his beanie, his mittens, and his entire warmth game to the next level.
Bundle #3
We all have a friend or family member that places preparation at a premium. Rarely do they leave the house without a bag filled with snacks, sunscreen, extra water, and chapstick. Here’s the bundle with them in mind.
Few people would be excited to receive a gift that they may potentially never use, but those people are not your always-prepared relative. For the first part of our bundle, the Emergency Variety Set is complete with hand warmers, body warmers, toe warmers, glow sticks, and an emergency blanket. This makes for a great gift for them to stash in the car if things go awry.
If they’re serious about warmth -- which your always-prepared uncle definitely is -- they deserve our Heated Neck Gaiter as the second component of the bundle. With pockets for warmers over the ears, chest, and back, it goes one step further in defending against the most harsh climates.
Is your always-prepared uncle going to sit on a frigid metal stadium bench for hours with nothing but a pair of pants? Nope. If our Heated Stadium Cushion is for anyone, it’s for them. It boasts a water-resistant bottom, a durable top, and two pockets for our large warmers.
Bundle #4
We have a lineup of Mossy Oak gear oriented towards hunters, and bundling them together will save you money and have them heading out as stealthy and as comfortable as possible.
With efficiency in mind, opt to give our Heated Deluxe Balaclava to your hunting enthusiast. Essentially combining a beanie and a neck gaiter in one piece, this camouflage Mossy Oak item is the ideal gift.
Also donned with the signature Mossy Oak design, the Battery Powered Hand Warmer Muff is by and far the most efficient way to keep your hands warm while on a hunt. It’s extremely thin and the 5V battery can crank the temperature up to 130 degrees.
When you have the face and hands covered, you can’t leave your feet vulnerable! Staying true to the bundle, this Mossy Oak Mid Calf Wool Sock will give your loved one the warmth and the stealth they need. The dark green color will have them blending in with the surrounding brush, and the warmer pocket above the toes will keep their feet nice and toasty.
Bundle #5
It’s no secret that cold feet can throw a wrench in the day’s activities. What’s more, sometimes they affect everyone within close vicinity by way of low morale. Here’s our holiday bundle that keeps your love ones’ most precious extremities in mind.
It’s official: 2019 is the year of a revamped, remote-controlled heated insole. That’s right -- our ProFLEX OUTDOORS Insoles work conveniently with a hand-held remote control that can toggle your feet warmth from idle, to medium (100 degrees), and high (111 degrees).

Another Christmas means another year in the books -- which means everyone is getting a little bit older. Pains and aches are sticking around longer than they used to, so here’s a mini bundle for your friend or family member that always on the mend.
Start off by gifting our large Adhesive Body Warmer, which is the industry’s leading product for rapid heat-based therapy. Apply this patch anywhere on your biggest muscles -- lower back, shoulders, hamstrings -- and feel the relief of up to 10 hours of warmth.
Made especially for the lower back, hips, and shoulders, this Heated Back and Body Wrap has two sleeves that hold large Heat Factory warmers. It’s designed to be worn outside of clothing, but can be worn directly on the skin if needed.